Rabu, 16 Februari 2011


SM*SH (dibaca: SMASH) adalah sekelompok anak muda yang ingin berbagi kegembiraan dan perasaan lewat musik dan penampilan. Secara garis besar memang terlihat Smash Indonesia ini menduplikat keras grup Smash Korea yang terlebih dulu ada dan famous. Dari Style, dance bahkan yang terlihat sangat jelas adalah nama group mereka.

Boyband baru Indonesia ini banyak digandrungi oleh cewe-cewe remaja khususnya yang masih SMP ataupun SMA yang bisa dibilang ABG (Anak Baru Gede).
Penampilan pertama mereka di industry music Indonesia diawali dengan single “I Heart You”. Sebuah lagu sebagai bukti ungkapan rasa cinta terhadap seorang gadis remaja. Diciptakan oleh Sogi Indradhuaja, Decil Prapanca, Buni D’Looney, dan Hendi yang mengambil lirik sederhana dari kosa kata percakapan anak remaja “hari begini”. Seperti penggalan lirik berikut:
“Kenapa hatiku cenat cenut tiap ada kamu”
You know me so well
“I know you so well”
“Girl i need you, Girl i love you, Girl i heart you”
Smash yang artinya Seven Man As Seven Hero ini beranggotakan 7 orang (Seven gitu loh), berikut biodata personil mereka :


Lahir : 27 November 1990 Bandung
Zodiac : Sagitarius
Penyanyi Favorit : Jason Mraz, Chris Brown, Hyun Ah
Lagu Favorit : Semua lagu yang enak buat dinyanyiin
Jajanan favorit : Cuankie, pecel, ice chocolate, teh manis
Impian sukses : Jadi musisi dan sutradara
Pertama kali on stage : Puma Ground Zero
Artis cewek favorit : Poppy Sovia, Zoey Deschanel
Tidak disukai : Kedinginan, debu, dibohongi, dan basa basi
Facebook Fans Page: http://id-id.facebook.com/pages/Bisma-Karisma-Fans-Page/117166998353968
Facebook Account :http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001758566935
Twitter Account : http://twitter.com/bismakarisma


Lahir : 18 Juni 1993, Bandung
Zodiac : Gemini
Penyanyi Favorit : Stevie Wonder
Studi : SMA BPI 1, Bandung
Lagu Favorit : Semua lagu 2NE1 dan Lady Gaga
Jajanan favorit : Jajanan yang pedas
Impian sukses : Pengen dikenal dan diterima masyarakat
Pertama kali on stage : Pentas Budaya TMII
Artis cewek favorit : Rihanna
Tidak disukai : Dibohongi
Twitter Account: @dickymprasetyo


Lahir : 25 Mei 1990, Singkawang, Kalimantan Barat
Zodiac : Gemini
Penyanyi Favorit : Justin Timberlake, Rihanna, Christina Aguilera
Studi : Information & Technology, Universitas Bina Nusantara, Jakarta
Lagu Favorit : Breathless, Shayne Ward
Jajanan favorit : French Fries
Impian sukses : Membawa keluarga jalan-jalan keliling dunia
Pertama kali on stage : Indonesian Idol Audition
Artis cewek favorit : Sandra Dewi
Tidak disukai : Dikekang dan dibohongi
Twitter Account : http://twitter.com/MorganFCL/status/2177101470682316
Morgan Fans Club : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Morgan-oey-Fans-Club/158090384236869?v=wall


Nama : Rafael Landry Tanubrata
Lahir : 16 November 1986, Garut
Zodiac : Scorpio
Penyanyi Favorit : Mulan Jameela
Studi : Universitas Maranatha
Lagu favorit : If You’re Not the One, Daniel Bedingfield
Jajanan favorit : Jajanan pasar
Impian sukses : Jadi seorang entertainer yang melegenda dan menjadi panutan banyak orang
Pertama kali on stage : Nyanyi di Gereja
Tidak disukai : Kaca yang retak
Fans Page On Twitter : http://twitter.com/Rafael_FansCL
Twitter Account:@rafaell_16


Lahir : 6 Januari 1988, Voorburg, Belanda
Zodiac : Capricorn
Penyanyi Favorit : Stevie Wonder
Studi : Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Bandung
Lagu Favorit : Because of You, Keith Martin
Jajanan favorit : French Fries
Impian sukses : Membahagiakan dan membuat bangga orang tua
Pertama kali on stage : Lomba Nyanyi antar SD
Artis cewek favorit : Beyonce, Agnes Monica
Tidak disukai : Dibohongin dan Udara Panas
Facebook Fans Page : http://id-id.facebook.com/pages/Rangga-Dewamoela-Soekarta/174611359240125
Twitter Account : http://www.twitter.com/rangga_moela


Lahir : 29 Agustus 1995, Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara
Zodiac : Virgo
Penyanyi Favorit : Gita Gutawa, Hayley Nichole Williams
Studi : SMAN 1, Bandung
Lagu Favorit : That’s What You Get – Paramore
Jajanan favorit : French Fries khas SMAN1 dan chicken katsu
Impian sukses : Pengen jadi anak shaleh untuk orang tua dan bisa terkenal, pengen bikin video klip dengan Hayley Nichole Williams
Pertama kali on stage : Kid’s Choice Award Nickelodeon
Artis cewek favorit : Putri Titian
Tidak disukai : Menunggu
Twitter Account: @ilhamfauzie


Lahir : 21 Maret 1994, Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara
Zodiac : Aries
Penyanyi Favorit : Ne Yo
Studi : SMAN 6, Bandung
Lagu Favorit : Nothin on You, Keith Martin
Jajanan favorit : Siomay
Impian sukses : Maju sampai go international dengan SMASH dan bisa bawa orang tua naik haji.
Pertama kali on stage : Kid’s Choice Award Nickelodeon
Artis cewek favorit : Sandara 2NE1, Katy Perry, Agnes Monica
Tidak disukai : Diselingkuhi
Twitter Account : @mrezanugrah


I heart you - oleh: SmasH
kenapa hatiku cenat-cenut tiap ada kamu
selalu peluh pun menetes setiap dekat kamu
kenapa salah tingkah tiap kau tatap aku
selalu diriku malu tiap kau puji aku

kenapa lidahku kelu tiap kau panggil aku
selalu merinding romaku tiap kau sentuh aku
mengapa otakku beku tiap memikirkanmu
selalu tubuhku lunglai tiap kau bisikkan cinta

you know me so well (you know me so well)
girl i need you (girl i need you)
girl i love you (girl i love you)
girl i heart you
i know you so well (i know you so well)
girl i need you (girl i need you)
girl i love you (girl i love you)
girl i heart you

tahukah kamu saat kita pertama jumpa
hatiku berkata padamu ada yang berbeda
tahukah sejak kita sering jalan bersama
tiap jam menit detikku hanya ingin berdua

tahukah kamu ku takkan pernah lupa
saat kau bilang kau punya rasa yang sama
ku tak menyangka aku bahagia ingin ku peluk dunia
kau izinkan aku ’tuk dapat rasakan cinta

you know me so well
girl i need you (girl i need you)
girl i love you (girl i love you)
girl i heart you
i know you so well
girl i need you (girl i need you)
girl i love you (girl i love you)
girl i heart you

hatiku rasakan cinta, dia buatku salah tingkah
i know you so well, you know me so well
you heart me girl, i heart you back
i miss you, i love you, ah ah ah
i need you, i love you, i heart you baby
i need you, i love you, i heart you baby

baby, you know me so well (you know me so well)
girl i need you (girl i need you)
girl i love you (girl i love you)
girl i heart you
i know you so well (i know you so well)
girl i need you (oh i need you)
girl i love you (oh i love you)

tak ada yang bisa memisahkan cinta
waktu pun takkan tega
kau dan aku bersama selamanya


10 Hewan Teraneh Di Dunia

1. CUMI-CUMI KUTUB SELATAN (Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni)

Berbeda dengan cumi-cumi raksasa (Architeutis) yang lengan dan tentakelnya hanya dilengkapi penghisap dengan gigi2 kecil, lengan dan tentakel cumi-cumi kutub selatan ini juga dilengkapi dengan pengait tajam.

Cumi-cumi ini merupakan cumi-cumi terbesar melebihi ukuran dan daya tahan cumi-cumi raksasa. Selain itu cumi-cumi kutub selatan merupakan binatang dengan mata yang paling besar di dunia binatang.


Tikus mondok ini mempunyai bulu-bulu anti air berwarna coklat kehitaman dan kaki berukuran besar serta ekor yang panjang dan tebal yang berfungsi sebagai tempat penyimpanan lemak untuk musim semi.

Tentakel2 di hidungnya sangat sensitif dan dilapisi oleh organ2 sensor Eimer. Diameter hidungnya sekitar 1 cm dengan hampir 25,000 organ sensor pada 22 tentakelnya.

Tikus mondok ini tidak mempunyai kemampuan penglihatan jadi alat2 sensor inilah yang digunakan untuk mendeteksi mangsanya yang berukuran kecil seperti serangga air, cacing dan moluska.

Merupakan binatang tercepat dalam memangsa mangsanya, paling cepat hanya membutuhkan 120 milidetik untuk mengetahui keberadaaan mangsanya dan kemudian memakannya. Otaknya dapat memutuskan suatu mangsa dapat dimakan atau tidak dalam waktu 8 milidetik. Kecepatan ini adalah batas kecepatan dari sel-sel syaraf di otak dalam mentransmisikan informasi. Tikus ini juga memiliki kemampuan untuk mencium mangsa di bawah air. Hal ini dilakukan dengan mengeluarkan gelembung udara ke mangsanya atau mencium jejak mangsanya dan kemudian menghirup gelembung udara tadi kembali untuk mencium bau mangsanya.

3. AYE-AYE (Daubentonia madagascariensis)

Keunikan binatang malam ini adlah pada kemampuannya dalam mencari makanan, dia mengetuk pepohonan untuk mencari makanan, kemudian melubangi pohon dan memasukkan jari tengahnya yang panjang untuk menarik keluar makanan dari dalam batang pohon (seperti burung woodpecker).

4. PLATYPUS (Ornithorhynchus anatinus)

Meskipun binatang malam dan semi akuatik ini bertelur dan mempunyai hidung seperti bebek, Platypus termasuk mamalia karena menyusui anaknya.
Platypus mempunyai organ sensor listrik dan sensor gerakan untuk mendeteksi mangsanya di bagian paruhnya. Platypus jantan mempunyai kemampuan untuk bertahan dengan menggunakan racun.


Tidak seperti kodok2 lainnnya, kodok ini mempunyai kaki bertanduk, mirip dengan sekop, membantunya untuk menggali liang. Kodok ini menghabiskan sebagian besar waktunya di dalam tanah. Mereka akan menempuh jarak 1,6 kilometer untuk mencari sumber air yang cocok untuk bertelur.

6. KEPITING YETI (Kiwa hirsuta)

Kiwa hirsuta adalah kepiting yang ditemukan pada tahun 2005 di Samudera Pasifik Selatan. Kepiting dengan panjang sekitar 15 cm ini, mempunyai ciri khas jumlah setae (bagian tubuh yang menyerupai bulu) yang menutupi bagian kaki/capitnya.

7. NARWHAL (Monodon monoceros), IKAN PAUS "UNICORN"

Yang paling kentara khas dari narwhal jantan adalah gading tunggalnya yang panjang (2-3 m). Gading ini merupakan gigi seri yang tumbuh dari bagian kiri rahang dan berbentuk spiral. Panjang gading ini dapat mencapai tiga meter (bandingkan dengan panjang tubuhnya yang hanya 4-6 m) dan berat gading bisa sampai 10 kg. Dari sekitar 500 narwhal jantan hanya ada satu yang mempunyai dua gading, yang terjadi bila gigi yang sebelah yang biasanya berukuran kecil, juga tumbuh keluar. Narwhal betina juga dapat menghasilkan gading, tapi ini jarang terjadi, dan ada satu kasus yang tercatat perempuan dengan dual tusks.

Teori yang paling banyak diterima menyebutkan fungsi gading ini adalah sebagai ciri seks sekunder, mirip dengan surai yang dimiliki singa atau bulu ekor merak. Jarang Narwhals ditemukan menggunakan gading mereka untuk berkelahi atau memecah es Kutub Utara yang menjadi habitat mereka.


Namanya berhubungan dengan adanya mangkuk2 penghisap di pergelangan tangan dan kaki. Mereka berdiam di daun pohon kelapa yang tergulung, menggunakan mangkuk penghisap untuk menempelkan diri ke permukaan daun yang halus


Binatang malam ini membangun 4 jenis liang perlindungan yang berbeda : 2 jenis untuk perlindungan sementara dan 2 jenis lainnya untik perlindungan tetap. Liang perlindungan sementara menyerupai silinder datar yang tidak tertutup dan tidak mempunyai kamuflase, digunakan untuk bersembunyi dari pemangsanya di waktu malam. Liang perlindungan tetap digunakan untuk bersembunyi di siang hari, tersembunyi dan tersamarkan dengan baik serta ditutupi sumbat unik yang terbuat dari pasir yang mampu menyerap panas keluar dari liang dan menyedot kelembaban dari udara luar ke dalam liang.

Liang musim dingin mempunyai kamar penyimpanan makanan di bagian bawah dan kamar untuk berhibernasi di kedalaman sampai 2,5 meter.


Produk tigon tak sebagus liger keliatannya, makanya yang masuk 10 besar hanya liger...

ini picnya tigon, gan...

keliatan kalau tigon bukan perpaduan yang seimbang antara harimau dan singa, yang dominan kayaknya cuman gen harimaunya saja.

sementara kita bandingin dengan liger :

macho si ligers kan ..

10 Mitos Dan Fakta Tentang Tidur

Dalam kehidupan kita sehati-hari, kita sering dijejali dengan berbagai macam yang berbau mitos, gak boleh ini, gak boleh gitu. Mitos-mitos tersebut mulai dari hal-hal sepele, sampai hal-hal yang dianggap vital. Jika sebelumnya saya pernah membahas tentang mitos seputar kondom, kali ini saya mencoba menulis tentang mitos dan fakta seputar tidur.
Saya merasa pembahasan tentang ini penting, karena banyak sekali orang yang terjebak dalam mitos-mitos yang ‘menyesatkan’. Berikut beberapa motis beserta fakta sesungguhnya seputar tidur.

Tidur Pulas

#1 Membayar tidur
Mitos: Disarankan untuk membayar tidur saat Anda bisa, seperti tidur sampai siang pada akhir minggu.Fakta: Bangun siang saat akhir minggu memang terdengar menyenangkan, namun lebih penting jika Anda mengatur jadwal tidur yang teratur setiap hari. Waktu tidur dan bangun yang teratur akan membantu Anda tertidur pada waktunya setiap malam.
#2 Berolahraga sore hari
Mitos: Berolahraga pada sore hari akan membuat Anda lelah sehingga dapat tidur lebih cepat.Fakta: Berolahraga secara teratur memang membuat kita lebih mudah tidur. Namun pastikan Anda selesai berolahraga sedikitnya tiga jam sebelum tidur. Tubuh yang lebih dingin membuat kita lebih mudah tertidur, karena latihan meningkatkan suhu tubuh. Butuh sekitar enam jam untuk mengembalikan tubuh kita pada suhu normal.
#3 Orangtua tidur lebih sedikit
Mitos: Bertambahnya umur membuat kita tidur kita makin berkurang, atau hanya membutuhkan tidur beberapa jam saja.Fakta: Sepintas memang terlihat seperti itu, namun orang yang sudah tua membutuhkan waktu tidur yang sama dengan orang yang lebih muda, yaitu tujuh hingga sembilan jam sehari. Pola tidur mereka yang berubah: cenderung tidur lebih banyak saat siang hari, atau tidur-tidur ayam.
#4 Mengistirahatkan otak
Mitos: Tidur diperlukan agar otak dapat beristirahat.Fakta: Tidur memang sangat diperlukan, namun bukan otak yang butuh beristirahat, melainkan tubuh. Otak kita masih bekerja saat kita tidur, dan mengontrol fungsi-fungsi tubuh. Contohnya, bernafas.
#5 Bangun tengah malam
Mitos: Jika Anda terbangun tengah malam, sebaiknya tetap berbaring dan mencoba tidur kembali. Bangun hanya membuat Anda terjaga lebih lama.Fakta: Jika Anda tidak dapat tertidur kembali dalam 15-20 menit, bangunlah. Pergilah ke ruangan lain, dan lakukan sesuatu yang rileks, seperti mendengarkan musik atau membaca. Bila Anda hanya berbaring dan berusaha keras tidur kembali, Anda hanya akan merasa gelisah, dan sulit tidur kembali.
#6 Tidur-tiduran dulu di kamar
Mitos: Sebelum benar-benar tidur, sebaiknya kita beraktivitas dulu di dalam kamar. Hal ini akan membuat Anda siap tertidur.Fakta: Makin banyak aktivitas yang Anda lakukan di kamar tidur -entah nonton TV, main internet- makin sulit Anda tertidur di sana. Sebaiknya gunakan kamar tidur hanya untuk tidur dan melakukan hubungan seksual.
#7 Seks pada malam hari
Mitos: Berhubungan seks pada malam hari hanya akan membuat Anda segar dan terjaga terus.Fakta: Sebenarnya, hubungan seks melepaskan hormon endorfin yang membuat Anda merasa nyaman dengan diri Anda. Melepaskan stres tentu membuat Anda lebih mudah tertidur.
#8 Suhu ruangan
Mitos: Meringkuk di bawah selimut tebal akan membuat Anda lebih cepat tertidur.Fakta: Tubuh lebih mudah masuk ke dalam sleep mode jika suhu ruangan lebih dingin. Jadi jika Anda harus menggunakan penghangat atau sesuatu yang membuat nyaman, bukalah jendela sedikit untuk membiarkan udara segar masuk. Anda tentu tidak ingin kedinginan, tapi juga tidak ingin kepanasan bukan?
#9 Mendengkur
Mitos: Mendengkur biasa terjadi, dan tidak membahayakan kesehatan.Fakta: Memang umum terjadi, dan tidak membahayakan kebanyakan orang. Namun hal ini mungkin juga merupakan gejala kelainan tidur yang disebut “sleep apnea” yang dapat mengancam kesehatan. Jika Anda mendengkur dengan keras, dan ada jeda yang panjang pada dengkuran Anda, konsultasikan pada dokter. Penyakit ini bisa diobati.
#10 Minum alkohol
Mitos: Segelas anggur dapat membantu menenangkan Anda, dan membuat tidur lebih cepat.Fakta: Minuman beralkohol dapat membuat Anda lelah, dan tidur lebih cepat (tidak heran jika minum terlalu banyak bisa membuat Anda ambruk), namun hal ini bisa membuat tidur Anda terbagi-bagi, dan terbangun sepanjang malam.

Rabu, 29 Desember 2010


 Camp Rock adalah salah satu film jebolan dari Disney Channel. Mungkin bagi kalian yang tidak terlalu mengikuti Disney channel, pastinya kalian tidak mengenali beberapa pemain yang bermain di film ini. Karna rata – rata dari pemain nya adalah artis – artis baru. Camp Rock bercerita tentang cewek bernama Mitchie (Demi Lovato) yang sangat ingin menghabiskan liburan musim panas nya di Rock Camp. Rock Camp adalah semacam kegiatan untuk seseorang yang mempunyai bakat dan tertarik untuk terjun di dunia music. Tapi karna untuk mengikuti Rock Camp memerlukan biaya yang lumayan mahal maka ibunya pun terpaksa membuat Mitchie kecewa, karna usaha catering ibunya sedang tidak berkembang dengan baik. Namun ternyata ibunya mendapat tawaran untuk menjadi catering di Rock Camp,dan akhirnya Mitchie dapat mengikuti Rock Camp tersebut dengan syarat ikut membantu di dapur. Tanpa disangka – sangka Shane Gray (Joe Jonas) yang adalah salah satu personel band yang sedang naik daun mendengar Mitchie sedang bernyanyi di cafeteria. Shane pun mencari – cari siapa yang menyayikan lagu itu, karna pada saat itu dia tidak melihat wajah Mitchie. Dan pada akhirnya Mitchie menemui beberapa konflik dan diantaranya berkaitan dengan Shane.

Sutradara   : Matthew Diamond
Produser    : Kevin Lafferty

### Ini nama Pemain Camp Rock
·                     JOE JONAS
·                     NICK JONAS
·                     PAUL KEVIN JONAS
·                     DEMI LOVATO
·                     MEAGHAN JETTE MARTIN
·                     JAKE BROCKMAN
·                     MARIA CANALS
·                     AARYN DOYLE
·                     DANIEL FATHERS
·                     ROSHON FEGAN
·                     JORDAN FRANCIS
·                     SARAH FRANCIS

### Ini ku kasih link soundtrack nya Camp Rock :
### Ini lirik lagu soundtrack Camp Rock :
Camp Rock
Hasta La Vista

It's Your boy Barron
And the place to be
It's crazy
Come rock with me!

Couldn't wait to leave,
But now I hate to go
Last day of camp,
Packing my bags slow

Made so many friends,
Why does it have to end
In the end its a win,
Because we grown so close together

Remember when we first met,
First day
Figured this would be no fun,
No way
And now its time to leave, (leave)
But now we wanna stay, (stay, stay, stay, stay)

Hasta la vista
I'm gonna say goodbye to you
Whatever happens I'll be cool with you
Wanna give me your number I'll call ya
Promise I won't forget ya
Hasta la vista
We'll all be going seperate ways
Say everything you didn't say
This is your moment, before you go
Come on now get up and show them

Keep doing your thing, thing, thing
Keep doing your thing, thing, thing
(And I'm gonna do my thing)

There's so much inside of me
There's so much more I just want to be
All the things I've seen, obviously I'm inspired
Got love for all the friendships I've acquired

Everybody put a hand up, put a hand up, hey, hey, hey
Everybody put a hand up, put a hand up and say hey, hey, hey

Hasta la vista I'm gonna say goodbye to you
Whatever happens I'll be cool with you
Wanna give me your number I'll call ya
Promise I won't forget ya
Hasta la vista
We'll all be going seperate ways
Say everything you didn't say
This is your moment, before you go
Come on now get up and show them

Keep doing your thing, thing, thing
Keep doing your thing, thing, thing
Keep doing your thing, thing, thing
Keep doing your thing, thing, thing

(La Vista)
(La Vista)

Hasta la vista
I'm gonna say goodbye to you
Whatever happens I'll be cool with you
Wanna give me your number I'll call ya
Promise I won't forget ya
Hasta la vista
We'll all be going seperate ways
Say everything you didn't say
This is your moment, before you go
Come on now get up and show them

(La Vista)
(La Vista)

Camp Rock
Our Time Is Here

We're done, but it's not over. we'll start it again
After the end of the day, it keeps getting better
Don't be afraid, we'll do it together.

Come on, come on, you know
It's your time to move it's my time to move
Come on, come on, let go
Leave it all behind, your past and mine

Gone are the days of summer
We could'nt change it if we tried
Why would we want to, let's go where we got to
Out paths will cross again in time
It's never the same tommrow,
And tommrow is never clear

So come on, come on, you know
Our time, our time is here

We know, but were not certain
How can we be, how can we see what's ahead
The road keeps on turning
And all we can do, is travel each day to the next

Come on, come on, you know
It's your time to move it's my time to move
Come on, come on let go,
Leave it all behind, your past and mine



Gone are the days of summer
We could'nt change it if we tried
(if we tried)
So come on, come on, come on
Come on, come on, come on
So come on, come on you know
Our time... our time
Is here- yeah-oh

Camp Rock
2 Stars

Wake up
When will things be good enough for you
To see all that we can be
I'm sick of playin' games
And actin' like we never care
That we're never there

We pay attention for only seconds

Look at you
Look at me
There's never any us
Can't you see all we can become
We can shine like the sun
If we believe that
2 stars are brighter than one
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon... Look at you
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon... Look at me

Listen the way we feel is not just
About you or me
It's the harmony
Just give in
Cuz together we'll be brighter than just any star
A work of art

We'll make the sky bright
We'll light it, you and I

Look at you
Look at me
There's never any us
Can't you see all we can become
We can shine like the sun
If we believe that
2 stars are brighter than one
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon... Look at you
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon... Look at me

Is it too much ask
That you put us first
I feel like we're last in our universe
And that's not where we ought to be

Look at you
Look at me
There's never any us
Can't you see all we can become
We can shine like the sun
If we believe that
2 stars are brighter than one

Look at you
Look at me
There's never any us
Can't you see all we can become
We can shine like the sun
If we believe that
2 stars are brighter than one
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon... Look at you
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon... Look at me

C'mon, c'mon, c'mon... Look at you
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon... Look at me

Camp Rock
Here I Am

They tell you a good girl is quiet
And that you should never ask why
Cause it only makes it harder to fit in
And you should be happy, excited
Even if you're just invited
Cause the winners need someone to clap for them

It's so hard just waiting
In a line that never moves
It's time you started making
Your own rules

You gotta scream until there's nothing left
With your last breath
Say here I am
Here I am
Make em listen
Cause there is no way you'll be ignored
Not anymore
Say here I am
Here I am
Here I am
Here I am

You only get one life to work it
So who cares if it's not perfect
Say "it's close enough to perfect for me"
Why should you hide from the thunder
And the lightening that your under
Cause there ain't nobody else you want to be

If how your living isn't working
There's one thing that'll help
You got to finally just stop searching
To find yourself

You gotta scream until there's nothing left
With your last breath
Say here I am
Here I am
Make em listen
Cause there is no way you'll be ignored
Not anymore
Say here I am
Here I am
Here I am

The world better make some room
Yea move over, over
Cause your coming through
Cause your coming through

You gotta scream until there's nothing left
With your last breath
Here I am
Here I am
Make em listen
Cause there is no way you'll be ignored
Not anymore
So here I am
Here I am
Here I am
Here I am
Here I am
Camp Rock
We Rock

Cause we rock!
We rock!
We rock on!
We rock!
We rock on!

Come as you are
You're a superstar
World's in your pocket and you know it
You can feel that beat
Running through your feet
Heart's racing fast you're rocking rolling

All that you need is the music to take you
To some other place where you know you belong

Raise your hands up in the air and scream
We're finding our voice
Following our dreams
Cause we rock!
We rock!
We rock!
We rock on!
Nobody in the world's gonna bring us down
The louder we go well the better we sound
Cause we rock!
We rock!
We rock!
We rock on!

(We rock, we rock, we rock on)
(We rock, we rock, we rock on)

We're finally letting go
Losing all control
Won't stop ourselves
Cause we love it

We're not afraid to be
Everything you see
No more hiding
Now we're gonna own it

All that you need is the music to take you
To some other place where you know you belong

Raise your hands up in the air and scream
We're finding our voice
Following our dreams
Cause we rock!
We rock!
We rock!
We rock on!
Nobody in the world's gonna bring us down
The louder we go well the better we sound
Cause we rock!
We rock!
We rock!
We rock on!

Got the music in our souls (In our souls)
And it's to thing we want the most (What we want the most)
It picks us up when we fall
Down it turns our worlds around
Cause we rock!
Camp rock!
We rock!
We rock on!
Everyday and every night
Cause we rock!
Camp rock!
We rock!
We rock on!
Don't we wanna do it loud?

Raise your hands up in the air and scream
We're finding our voice
Following our dreams
Cause we rock!
We rock!
We rock!
We rock on!
Nobody in the world's gonna bring us down
The louder we go well the better we sound
Cause we rock!
We rock!
We rock!
We rock on!

Raise your hands up in the air and scream
We're finding our voice
Following our dreams
Cause we rock!
We rock!
We rock!
We rock on!
Nobody in the world's gonna bring us down
The louder we go well the better we sound
Cause we rock!
We rock!
We rock!
We rock on!

(We rock, we rock, we rock on)
We rock!
(We rock, we rock)
Camp rock!

Camp Rock
Camp Rock
This Is Me

I've always been the kind of girl
That hid my face
So afraid to tell the world
What I've got to say
But I have this dream
Right inside of me
I'm gonna let it show, it's time
To let you know
To let you know

This is real, this is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me

Do you know what it's like
To feel so in the dark
To dream about a life
Where you're the shining star
Even though it seems
Like it's too far away
I have to believe in myself
It's the only way

This is real, This is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me

You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singing
I need to find you, I gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you, I gotta find you

This is real, this is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me (this is me)
You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singing
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me 

Camp Rock
Cause We Rock!

It's been on that radio
As loud as it can go
Wanna dance until my feet can't feel the ground (feel the ground)
Say goodbye to all my fears
One good song may disappear
And nothing in the world can bring me down (bring me down)

Hand clapping
Hip shaking
There's no faking
What you feel when your riding home
Yeah, yeah

Music's in my soul
I can hear it everyday, every night
It's the one thing on my mind
Music's got control
And I'm never letting go, no no
I just want to play my music
Whoo (music)

Got my six string on my back
Don't need anything but that
Everything I want is here with me (here with me)
So forget that fancy car
I don't need to go that far
What's driving me is following my dreams, yeah

Hand clapping
Earth shaking
There's no faking
What you feel when your on a roll
Yeah, yeah

Music's in my soul
I can hear it everyday, every night
It's the one thing on my mind
Music's got control
And I'm never letting go, no no
I just wanna play my music
I just wanna play my music

Can't imagine what it'd be like
Without the sound of all my hero's singing all my favorite songs
So I can sing along

Music's in my soul
I can hear it everyday, every night
It's the one thing on my mind
Music's got control
And I'm never letting go, no no
I just wanna play my music

Music's in my soul
I can hear it everyday, every night
It's the one thing on my mind
Music's got control
And I'm never letting go, no no
I just wanna play my music
All night long


Camp Rock
Start the Party

First off hit the groove, let the music play
Next stop everybody, it's time to celebrate
Bady go so lets go show, make the dreams you got become real
Let's do this, let me hear you, now show me how you feel

Start, start, start the party
Come on, come on everyone
Let's start, start, start the party
What you waiting for now?
Start, start, start the party
Come on, come on, live it up
Let's start, start, start the party
I know you never gonna wanna stop

Stand up and do the dance, the way you do
I-I- can see all the crowd on the dance floor when it's through
Baby go so lets go show, like you never ever did before
Let's do this, let me hear you say more, more, more

Start, start, start the party
Come on, come on everyone
Let's start, start, start the party
What you waiting for now?
Start, start, start the party
Come on, come on, live it up
Let's start, start, start the party
I know you never gonna wanna stop

Let the music take us
Everytime, just close our eyes
Feel the grove, wanna shake us
Everywhere, and everybody, turn it up and start the party

We got it rolling, never slowing down
Lights, camera, action, start the party now
I know your ready there's no need to wait
Now's the time for us to celebrate

Start, start the party (Let's do it)
Start, start the party (Everybody now)
Start, start the party (Let's get to it)
Start, start the party

Start, start, start the party
Come on, come on everyone
Let's start, start, start the party
What you waiting for now?
Start, start, start the party
Come on, come on, live it up
Let's start, start, start the party
I know you never gonna wanna stop

Start, start, start the party
Come on, come on everyone
Let's start, start, start the party
What you waiting for now?
Start, start, start the party
Come on, come on, live it up
Let's start, start, start the party

your never gonna stop...

Camp Rock
Gotta Find You

Everytime I think I'm closer to the heart
Of what it means to know just who I am
I think I've finally found a better place to start
But no one ever seems to understand

I need to try to get to where you are
Could it be you're not that far?

You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singing
I need to find you
I gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you
Oh yeah

You're the remedy I'm searchin' hard to find
To fix the puzzle that I see inside
Painting all my dreams the color of your smile
When I find you it will be alright

I need to try to get to where you are
Could it be you're not that far?

You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singing
I need to find you
I gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you

Been feeling lost
Cant find the words to say
Spendin' all my time stuck in yesterday
Where you are is where I wanna be
Oh next to you, and you next to me
I need to find you

You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singing
I need to find you (I need to find you)
I gotta find you (yeah)
Your the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you(I gotta find you)

You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singing
I need to find you (I need to find you)
I gotta find you (I gotta find you)
Your the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you
I gotta find you...

Camp Rock
Play My Music

It's been on that radio
As loud as it can go
Wanna dance until my feet can't feel the ground (feel the ground)
Say goodbye to all my fears
One good song may disappear
And nothing in the world can bring me down (bring me down)

Hand clapping
Hip shaking
There's no faking
What you feel when your riding home
Yeah, yeah

Music's in my soul
I can hear it everyday, every night
It's the one thing on my mind
Music's got control
And I'm never letting go, no no
I just want to play my music
Whoo (music)

Got my six string on my back
Don't need anything but that
Everything I want is here with me (here with me)
So forget that fancy car
I don't need to go that far
What's driving me is following my dreams, yeah

Hand clapping
Earth shaking
There's no faking
What you feel when your on a roll
Yeah, yeah

Music's in my soul
I can hear it everyday, every night
It's the one thing on my mind
Music's got control
And I'm never letting go, no no
I just wanna play my music
I just wanna play my music

Can't imagine what it'd be like
Without the sound of all my hero's singing all my favorite songs
So I can sing along

Music's in my soul
I can hear it everyday, every night
It's the one thing on my mind
Music's got control
And I'm never letting go, no no
I just wanna play my music

Music's in my soul
I can hear it everyday, every night
It's the one thing on my mind
Music's got control
And I'm never letting go, no no
I just wanna play my music
All night long


Camp Rock
Who Will I Be

Whoo. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Yeah!
How to choose
Who to be
Well let's see
There's so many choices now
Play guitar. Be a movie star
In my head. A voice says

Why not
Try everything
Why stop
Reach for any dream
I can rock
Cause it's my life and now's the time

Who will I be
It's up to me
All the never-ending possibilities
That I can see
There's nothing that I can't do
Who will I be
Yes, I believe
I get to make the future what I want to
If I can become anyone and know the choice is up to me

Who will I be
(Yeah, yeah)

If I decide
I'm the girl
To change the world
I can do it any time
Right in front of me
And the choice is all mine

Why not
Try everything
Why stop
Reach for any dream
I can rock
Cause it's my life and now's the time

Who will I be
It's up to me
All the never-ending possibilities
That I can see
There's nothing that I can't do
Who will I be
Yes, I believe
I get to make the future what I want to
If I can become anyone and know the choice is up to me

Who will I be
I wanna find out who I am inside
Who will I be
I wanna show the way that
I can shine. Yeah
Oh. Yeah

Who will I be
It's up to me
All the never-ending possibilities
That I can see
There's nothing that I can't do
Who will I be
Yes, I believe
I get to make the future what I want to
If I can become anyone and know the choice is up to me
Who will I be
Whoo. Who will I be
Who will I be!

Camp Rock
Too Cool

I'm too cool for my dress
These shades don't leave my head
Everything you say is so irrelevant
You follow and I lead
You wanna be like me
But you're just a wannabe
Love it or hate it

I can't help the way I am
Hope you don't misunderstand

But I'm too cool, too cool
I'm too cool to know you
Don't take it personal
Don't get emotional
You know it's the truth
I'm too cool for you

You think your hot
But I'm sorry you're not
Exactly who do you think you are
Can tell you what, that you haven't got
But when we walk into the room
I'm too cool for you

You're lucky I'm so nice
Even I'm surprised
You are still allowed to be in my crew
I'll show you how it's done
If you want to be someone
Just watch me and you'll learn some

Me, myself, and I agree
You'll never catch up with me

'Cause I'm too cool, too cool
I'm too cool to know you
Don't take it personal
Don't get emotional
You know it's the truth
I'm too cool for you

You think your hot
But I'm sorry you're not
Exactly who do you think you are
Can tell you what, that you haven't got
But when we walk into the room
I'm too cool for you

You see some are born with beauty
Brains and talent and they got it all
While others simply try all their lives
Still they never get the call
That's the difference between you and me
Obviously, I'm a natural,
I'm the real deal, yeah

I can't help the way I am
Hope you don't misunderstand

[Chorus:] [2X With variation]